Monday, March 19, 2012

Sprout and Juice Blocks

Juice Blocks
Remember how I slightly hinted at a little project I was working on with
my lovely friend Penny of sew take a hike? Well, here is a reveal! The kind folks
at Sew, Mama, Sew contacted us a few weeks ago to ask if we'd be
up for an interview about our Ringo Pie bee and for sharing paper-piecing
tutorials on their blog! The interview is posted there today and our tutorials
will be up on their blog tomorrow and Tuesday!

Sprout Blocks
It was so fun working with Penny (as always!) We had this idea of
coming up with one pattern each and we both make a mini flimsy using 
both our patterns. Penny made this adorable sprout pattern and I made the juice pattern.
We both decided to go with making several pairs
of sprout and juice blocks and use stamps to label them, but we wouldn't
share each other's work until Sunday evening when our flimsy is complete.
This way, we were able to put our own spins on the blocks.
As usual, I was way too slow making progress. Penny was done with hers
way before I even started mine and look what she ended up with!
SOOOOO AMAZING!!!!  I so wish I was one-tenth as talented as that lady.
I'm a bit embaraased to show mine after seeing Penny's, but
I still want to share with you how far I got anyway.


Nine pairs with Kona snow sashing.
I really don't know what I should do with this now. Anyone has any ideas?


Oh before I head to bed, I want to give this pair a little attention.
It's funny how I don't care for purple, but I quite often like stuff I make
using purple fabrics. I went back and forth about whether or not to
include a purple pair, but I'm really glad I did include it because it turned
out to be one of my faves among the nine. Is this only me that thinks
the sprout looks like a pair of sweet eyes and those eyes could use the 
sunglasses in the juice? Maybe I am crazy.

Off to bed now. Thank you for stopping by!
Hope your week started off nicely!


  1. this is adorable ayumi! you are incredibly talented! thanks for sharing!

  2. so cute! i just have to make this! the purple is great!

  3. Instead of eyes, the sprouts look like bikini tops, to me. Maybe it's because I was raised at the beach.

    1. I saw bikini tops too, and I was raised in South Dakota. Too cute. Swimsuit tops and smoothie drinks. Awwww the beach!

  4. How cute!!!!! This totally makes me think of gardening seeds too. That would be a cute quilt too.

    - Sarah

  5. Hoooo,me encanta todo lo que haces muy origina,has puesto los patrones,las telas me encantan y el,lila que tu llamas morado es mi color preferido,saludos desde Barcelona,España

  6. mi blog es

  7. Your juice blocks are so pretty Ayumi! As usual you are far too modest!!
    Funny thing before I saw Penny's block I was sketching juice cartons for your month in Ringo Pie. I'll go another route after seeing these my sketch looks rather lame in comparison ;)

  8. I just love all your colour/print combos for the juice, so clever! Such a great result working on this project together. it looks like the shape for a bed pillow- maybe a very fruity pillowcase!

  9. Those are all just super cute! You ladies did a really good job!

  10. Both yours and Pennys are fabulous. Equally!

  11. Love these blocks, so fresh looking. Never heard of a "flimsy" before??

  12. i have an idea what you can do with that mini now - give it to me, LOL! it is FABULOUS Ayums and you shouldn't be embarassed at all...I'd love to have half your talent ;)

  13. Wow Both quilts look amazing, the sprouts really do look like eyes. Can't wait to see how you finish it. =D

    I'm holding a small swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

  14. I love it Ayumi! You can totally send it to me ;) I am glad you included the purple because one of our favorite things around here is to make and drink "purple monsters" which are juiced wild blueberries and spinach!!! It's purple and pretty! You've dona a fantastic job. Can you hang it in your kitchen?

  15. Absolutely knee slapping adorable!!!!!

  16. These are absolutely fabulous! Maybe you could do a mini quilt to hang in your kitchen? Both you and Penny are so talented with paper piecing! Love it! :) xo Heather

  17. it's so perfect ayumi! You and penny are just amazing, what a great interview! love it. :)

  18. this is so cute Ayumi!, i love your stuff. And i agree the purple is very cool.

  19. These are SO cute!! And the purple is awesome!

  20. I love your new project!! It is sooooo incredibly cute =D I can't wait for the tutorials! I keep saying that I am going to try paper piecing and never do =P I loved the interview with you and Penny. You are both so very talented!!!!

  21. I am so excited to learn about paper piecing! I'm lucky enough to live in Colorado and I'm going to Penny's paper piecing retreat next month. I'm looking forward to your tutorials before that. :)

  22. How could we not been impressed with this fabulous flimsy!! I love this!! I'm sure you'll make it into a unique little creation!

  23. I love, love, love your blocks Ayumi!!! I like Kerry's idea of a pillow!!!! It would be so cute as a pillow with striped piping around it! That's funny about the purple, I thought of using purple too, and now I wish I had. It adds such a nice range to the juices/sprouts!!

  24. The blocks are super adorable! You'll come up with a fun way to use them.

  25. I love it so much Ayumi!! Completely adorable!

  26. Oh I love them both (and they do remind me of eyes.. cat eyes?) Fun to combine them for placemats

  27. Ayumi those are so cute! I love the sprouts, they remind me of bikini tops!

  28. Yours are adorable! I think they're perfect! :)

  29. Gorgeous!! Love both blocks :) All together they look awesome!
    Get some rest ;)

  30. Loved reading the interview, and cute creations!

  31. I wasn't sure if they were sunglasses or bikini tops!

  32. Cute as. I first see bikini tops too with a fabulous kool drink at the ready. From Chris by the beach in Melbourne. Australia.

  33. Love your blocks. Can't wait to see what you end up with. The purples are really nice .. and I agree they look a little like bikini tops.

  34. my dear you and Penny are both deliciously talented! What a pair you are together.

    I think it would be darling on some kind of market bag!

  35. I love both incarnations of these adorable patterns! I have never paper pieced, but I am always in awe of your beautiful blocks so at some point I must try. :)

  36. OH MAN!! You are SO DANG creative! I love it, love it, love it! ;p

  37. Ayumi!! What charmIng blocks!! I love your little quilt top! And I LOVED your interview, how exciting!!

  38. love all you do, I admire your work & creativity (kiss and hug from Portugal) Maria

  39. This is so cute! I would mount it on a canvass and hang it as the WONDERFUL piece of art it is. Putting it onto a canvass would help it really pop on the wall. Still haven't started paper piecing :-(, but I feel I am getting inspired again! Lovely work, and I'm looking forward to the tutorial.

  40. Ayumi, I love your version. The fabrics you've used for the juices are beyond perfect. So fun!

  41. Those blocks arw wickedly AWESOME!!!

  42. thank you for sharing this!
    I lOVE it!!!!

  43. Thank you for sharing this super pretty design with us, Ayumi. Loved the interview with you both. And i LOVE how you have put all the blocks together.
    ; )

  44. Perfection, as usual, Ayumi! I just love the drinks. Can't wait to make something with them!


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